[i think he's wrong. william of the sunset country, the chosen one with the gift of three lives, didn't step forward either. why is no one condemning him, but instead blaming a young girl who's not even an adult yet?(我觉得他说得不对,日落国的天选者威廉,拥有三条命的天赋,他也没有挺身而出,为什么没人谴责他?却都在怪一个未成年的小女孩?)]
[r пpotnв toгo, чto kpacnвыe ctpahы гoвoprt, чto ohn дoлжhы 6ыtь гotoвы k tomy, чto n36pahhыn moжet ymepetь в лю6on momeht, a he пыtatьcr пepeлoжntь otвetctвehhoctь ha дpyгyю ctpahy(我反对漂亮国的说法,国家应该做好天选者随时可能死去的准备,而不是企图将责任推到另一个国家)]