alex不顾简易扬的存在,直接越过他,目光直视着飞儿:“forgive me, faye. i am serious. you should know i'm always serious. i know i said something stupid, but that's not true.(飞儿,原谅我吧,我对你是认真的,你应该知道的,我一直都是认真的。我知道我过去说了一些蠢话,但那都不是我的真心。)”
飞儿有着简易扬的支持,此刻觉得非常有底气,她平静地对alex说道:“to be honest, i was never upset about what you did. i was just a little disappointed at what you said because i thought you could be my friend. and that's all. you don't necessarily need to do all this. now the past is past, let's move on,ok?(老实说,我真的从来没有对你生气。我只是听到你那么说的时候有些失望,因为我原以为我们起码可以成为朋友。仅此而已,你真的没有必要大费周章为我做这些。过去的就让它过去吧,我们都往前看,好吗?)
深受打击的alex眼里满是受伤,他看了看简易扬,似乎想要确认些什么,问道:“so he's your future?(那他就是你的未来吗?)”
alex嘴角挤出一个略为苦涩的笑容,转身离开。刚走几步,又回头说道:“i've talked with my dad about the fund-raising for the animal welfare, and i'm pretty sure his orgpany will get involved. i've given your contact info to his assistant. he might reach out to you later.(我跟我爸说了给动物福利组织筹款的事情,我很确定他们公司会愿意参与的。你的联系方式我给他的助理了,之后应该会有人联系你的。)