……it's all my fault cause pride got in the way(自尊心作祟一切都是我的错)and i'd be lying if i said i was ok(若说无事 其实只是谎言未戳破)about that girl the one i let get away(那个女孩 我们曾擦肩而过)……陈浩继续唱着,歌声犹如天上涌流下来的清澈玉泉,不染俗世尘埃,在空气中回荡。
i keep saying no(我一直否认)this can't be the way we're supposed to be(这不该是我们的结果)i keep saying no(我一直否认)there's gotta be a way to get you close to me(一定还有办法让我们重新来过)……“呜呜呜……”忽然,一个女孩再也忍不住,也不管身边是谁,一把抱住,失声痛哭。